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CPU VM Info and Management

After renting a VM, all the relevant information is accessible on the Running Instances page.

VM Information

For each VM, a corresponding card will appear on the Running Instances page, which can be expanded. More detailed information can be found in the Hardware Specs section. Note that extended server parameters are only visible if the specific infrastructure provider has provided the underlying information.

VM information

The user can also see the maximum rental period for the VM (Expires in) and information about the next billing time (Next billing time) set at 5:55 PM UTC.

VM Management

Currently, the only operation available for a (running) VM is Delete, which terminates the VM and the rental agreement. The ability to Reboot, Reset and Rebuild from the Fluence Console will be added soon.

VM management

Billing History

The history of your charges can be found on the Billing page in the Billing History section.

Billing history